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PEAK Sales 203-379-8330 | Trumbull and Farmington, CT

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Ed Schultek

Use The Navy SEAL's 40% Rule To Achieve The Impossible. A common obstacle of success in sales leadership is getting stuck in a rut. Worry, fear and doubt are manufactured emotions that can limit a sales team’s ability to achieve their goals and potential. The rut is a comfort zone for you and your organization. Success can still happen in the rut, but according to the Navy SEAL’s 40% Rule, the big wins will never be achieved here. 

You can’t reach goals if everyone is allowed to decide for himself how to reach them.  It’s not uncommon for a sales manager to let the sales staff have their way.  The result of such a management practice is chaos.  Reduce the stress and chaos by getting the sales team to follow the same process.

With the New Year just beginning, it’s time to take stock of where you are.  It is a time for reflection on the successes and challenges of the previous year and time to set new goals and find new opportunities for the coming year. Regardless of how your company fared, the question is the same: What are you going to do in 2017?

When you outline the organization’s sales goals, what would be the budget required to meet those goals? What is the cost of NOT achieving those goals? After identifying that cost and assuming you want a 5X return, what incremental dollars would you need to have in the budget?

The summer months can be some of the most challenging for a sales manager, company president or business owner.  An all-too-common mistake is abandoning process. Help each team member stay focused and not lose ground during the summer months. The teams who see summer as a slow-down period lose ground in Q3.

After all, you and I have standard questions we like to ask when we’re interviewing, and the candidate has some good standard responses they like to give us. But, the key to the interview is uncovering the truth – right? So here’s a tip that might help you uncover what’s really happening with the candidate.

Let’s take a look at how to keep the mojo steady in your company – be it sales, client retention or employee happiness.

That “Gold Star” feeling is often absent or all too infrequent in our work lives. Yes, we are adults and the merit of a gold star next to our name on a piece of cardboard is not necessarily what drives us to excel. However, we still want to be recognized for the great things that we do and it feels really good when someone takes notice.